Home|Catalogue|10 - Connecting fittings|eccentric for shelves eccentric for shelves 1 2 3 Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Showing 1–16 of 33 results RecommendedShelf top d2010-271 RecommendedShelf top d2010-273 RecommendedShelf top d2010-277 Cam fitting, D=25mm10-221 Cam fitting, D=35mm10-223 Cam fitting10-222 Connector10-278 Connector10-267 Eccentric shelf support10-268 Eccentric shelf support10-269 Eccentric, D2010-287 Eccentric, D2010-286 Expanding dowel99-10013 Hidden connector99-10015 Hidden connector99-10016 Hidden connector99-10014 The information in the catalogue and on the website is given for reference only. Please, ask for a sample to check. 1 2 3