Home|Catalogue|03 - Locks|master-key|Lock #288 with removable barrel 03-010 03-010-q 03-010-x 03-010_2 03-01003-010-q03-010-x03-010_2 03-010 Lock #288 with removable barrel Key’ combinations: 3840 types of unique locks SKU: 03-010 Categories: 03 - Locks, master-key VKontakteOdnoklassnikiYandex.MessengerTelegramTwitterViberWhatsAppMoi MirSkypeLinkedInLiveJournal VariationsDrawersLength (L)Lock diameterLock length 03-010-1622-503D16xL22, 500mm, 3 drDrawers: 3 Length (L): 500Lock diameter: 16Lock length: 22 3 5001622 InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-010-1622-704D16xL22, 700mm, 4 drDrawers: 4 Length (L): 700Lock diameter: 16Lock length: 22 4 7001622 InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-010-1822-503D18xL22, 500mm, 3 drDrawers: 3 Length (L): 500Lock diameter: 18Lock length: 22 3 5001822 InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-010-1822-704D18xL22, 700mm, 4 drDrawers: 4 Length (L): 700Lock diameter: 18Lock length: 22 4 7001822 InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-010-1822-704-FD18xL22, 700mm, 4 dr,foldable key---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist Related products Glass lock #409 with master key03-022 Lock wıth code03-603-288 Lock wıth code03-608-103 Drawer lock03-905