Home|Catalogue|05 - Castors|decorative castors|Castor, w/ plate, with brake 05-661 05-661 Castor, w/ plate, with brake SKU: 05-661 Categories: 05 - Castors, decorative castors VKontakteOdnoklassnikiYandex.MessengerTelegramTwitterViberWhatsAppMoi MirSkypeLinkedInLiveJournal VariationsDiameter (D)MaterialPlateHeight (h)Load 05-661-60-P-4818D=60, 48x48x1,8, plsDiameter (D): 60Material: plasticPlate: 48x48x1.8 60plastic48x48x1.8 -- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist05-661-82-Z-4818D=82, 48x48x1,8, znDiameter (D): 60Material: zinc alloyPlate: 48x48x1.8 Height (h): 100Load: 60 kg60zinc alloy48x48x1.8 10060 kg InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist Related products Castor PU, w/ thread, without brake05-652 Steel castor, w/ thread & brake05-731 Steel castor, w/ thread, with brake05-763 Castor PU, w/ pin, without brake05-654