Home|Catalogue|03 - Locks|master-key|Lock #138 with removable barrel 03-001-M 03-001 03-001-20-q 03-001-MK 03-001-q 03-001-x 03-001_x 03-001 Lock #138 with removable barrel Key’ combinations: 3840 types of unique locks SKU: 03-001 Categories: 03 - Locks, master-key VariationsKeyLock diameterLock lengthL-shaped counterplate 03-001-1822D18xL22mm, with plateKey: masterLock diameter: 18Lock length: 22L-shaped counterplate: included master1822included InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1822-FD18xL22mm, foldable---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1822-mastermaster key---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1822-plateonly plate---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1822-removremovable barrel key---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1822-wD18xL22mm, without plateKey: masterLock diameter: 18Lock length: 22L-shaped counterplate: not incl master1822not incl InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1826D18xL26mmKey: masterLock diameter: 18Lock length: 26L-shaped counterplate: included master1826included InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1832D18xL32mmKey: masterLock diameter: 18Lock length: 32L-shaped counterplate: included master1832included InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist03-001-1838-FD18xL38mm, with plate, foldable---- InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist Related products Lock wıth code03-611-407 Lock wıth code03-607-288 p1109503-718 Lock wıth code03-605-288 Scroll back to top Home New items Recommended About us Blog Contact us Close