Home|Catalogue|02 - Sliders|tandemboxes|Inset drawer 02-042 02-042 Inset drawer The inner box is installed inside the main drawer, concealed by the main front surfaceInset drawer is used with Sliding box 02-031 SKU: 02-042 Categories: 02 - Sliders, tandemboxes VKontakteOdnoklassnikiYandex.MessengerTelegramTwitterViberWhatsAppMoi MirSkypeLinkedInLiveJournal VariationsDetails 02-042-120front panel,L120cmDetails: front panel front panel InquiryIn InquirylistIn Inquirylist Related products Tenderbox Slimside,3D, h15202-053 Metalbox, 86mm02-021 45mm full ext sliders self-locking02-130 Sliding box (full ext, soft), h20502-032