Home|Catalogue|04 - Legs, feet|fittings for legs and feet fittings for legs and feet 1 2 Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Showing 1–16 of 17 results Adjustable base for table leg04-950 Adjustable base for table leg04-951 Bottom base04-904 Bottom base04-906 Bottom base04-907 Chock for table leg04-900 Connecting part for table04-921 Connecting part04-920 Connecting upper part04-918 Furniture socket04-961 Oval plate for Leveller04-983 Top connector04-903 Upper connector for table leg04-910 Upper connector for table leg04-911 Upper connector for table leg04-912 Upper connector for table leg04-915 The information in the catalogue and on the website is given for reference only. Please, ask for a sample to check. 1 2