Home|Catalogue|04 - Legs, feet|base levellers, plastic base levellers, plastic 1 2 3 Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Showing 1–16 of 40 results RecommendedLeveller04-549 RecommendedPlastic foot04-500 Leveller (20,25)04-541 Leveller (58,40)04-563 Leveller d3004-562 Leveller d3104-575 Leveller d3204-576 Leveller d4804-564 Leveller d4904-578 Leveller d5004-577 Leveller, d1304-542 Leveller, d1604-540 Leveller, d17/h804-544 Leveller, d18/h5 (without nut)04-548 Leveller, d21/h804-538 Leveller, D22/h704-532 The information in the catalogue and on the website is given for reference only. Please, ask for a sample to check. 1 2 3